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Photo du rédacteurLaurent Corrado

CoRe Service has the pleasure to announce the development of the new service of Transfer Pricing !

Dernière mise à jour : 30 mars 2020

In collaboration with Dr Cristiano Bertolotti, who has more than 10 years of practices, we provide assistance to professional advisory firms or international groups who do not have internal transfer pricing expertise.

Transfer pricing is also more and more an underestimated risk issue in the M&A deals and should be part of any due diligence procedure.

Thanks to Cristiano’s experience, CoRe Service is able to deal with any transfer pricing situation but also review and manage the transfer pricing policies at a competitive price.

CoRe Service is an international tax & legal boutique with offices in Zurich, Geneva, Paris and Luxemburg, advising private and corporate clients in cross border tax, compliance, wealth and succession planning.

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